
Bare Necessities
Toiletry bank based in Wilmslow, providing access to personal hygiene products.

Citizens Advice Wilmslow
Free, impartial, independent and confidential advice on most issues including employment, benefits, housing and debt.  Funded by Wilmslow Town Council.

The Guild for Lifelong Learning
“…a centre in which people may find opportunities for the enrichment of life through education, fellowship and co-operative effort for the welfare of the community”
“With over 18 active clubs, groups and societies and the engagement of around 1,000 participants, we continue our efforts in building stronger, active and inclusive communities.”

Hope Central
Food bank and range of services to help relieve poverty.

Wilmslow Youth
Charity providing support to young people who live in Wilmslow and the surrounding areas.

Wilmslow Wells for Africa
A direct action, volunteer-run charity, working through trusted contacts in Britain and Africa, providing clean water, hygiene and sanitation in drought-stricken areas of Africa.

Do you have a Wilmslow-based charity to add?
Please email the details to comms@wilmslowtowncouncil.gov.uk